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What will your children be talking about this week when they leave your children's ministry?

What will your children be talking about this week when they leave your children's ministry

As you minister to your children this weekend just ask yourself quickly 'What is the main emphasis of your time with them?'

What will they go home talking about?

Is it the fun game they played, the custard pie that was thrown?

The art and craft?

The sweets they received?

....or that

Jesus met and spoke with them like never before, or how they entered into a time of worship where they felt like heaven really did come down to earth, and they felt like they had touched the hem of Jesus' garment.

Give children the opportunity to meet with God and they will. Sometimes that means stepping out of our own comfort zone and stepping up our own prayer life. The overflow of that will be sure to impact the children in our care.The Church only gets around 40 - 50 hours a year to impact these children! Choose what you do wisely. Go on YOU CAN DO IT!!!!


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